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Angry Planet

Angry Planet (2009) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  102m  •    •  Directed by: Andrew Bellware.  •  Starring: Daryl Boling, Kathleen Kwan, Sofia Dayan Arnold, Don Arrup, James Edward Becton, Jef Betz, Greg Oliver Bodine, Sarah Doudna, Diana Ferrante, Jason Howard, Alana Jackler, Blair Johnson, Anthony Litton.  •  Music by: Jason Greenberg.
    A criminal sentenced to life on a prison planet reveals his true purpose: to extract revenge on the killers who murdered his family.


Image from: Angry Planet (2009)
Image from: Angry Planet (2009)
Image from: Angry Planet (2009)
Image from: Angry Planet (2009)
Image from: Angry Planet (2009)
Image from: Angry Planet (2009)
Image from: Angry Planet (2009)
Image from: Angry Planet (2009)
Image from: Angry Planet (2009)
Image from: Angry Planet (2009)
Image from: Angry Planet (2009)
"Angry Planet" has been re-released under the title "Interstellar Outlaws." West (Daryl Boling) arrives at a penal planet Necrociss 6 escorted by a rare Corvette model android (Kathleen Kwan with redorange hair ). He gets a biotag installed in him which will prevent him from doing any violence and may cause him to hallucinate, feel pain or emotion as his keepers may desire. About half way through the film we discover this is not an ordinary prisoner or you can read the film description or DVD cover. The settling was like an Old West warehouse in a desert.

The film story line was decent. The production suffered from a low budget and unpolished script. The special effects were not great. The sound was choppy. The film should have starred Vin Diesel who could have been more formidable and physical. There is a whole line of low budget sci-fi from the last decade or so that may go on to be cult classics as the next generation will make fun of this one, the way we make fun of older film.

Review by nogodnomasters from the Internet Movie Database.