USA 2008 78m Directed by: Mike Davis. Starring: Ben Phillips, Anthony Jenkins, Stephen Heiser, Casey Robinson, Jesse Bernstein, Amanda Gari, Timothy Johnson, Fitz, Gregor Hryniszak, Victoria Bakshi, Aurelie Sanchez, Jonathan Yudis, Puma Swede. Music by: Coz Littler.
One hundred years in the future... Due to overpopulation and the effects of global warming, sex has been declared illegal on Earth. When a crew of astronauts hear of a distant planet inhabited by insatiable female creatures who exist only to satisfy man's desires, they decide to take a detour from their routine mission in search of the mythical star system known as the Sex Galaxy. But like all expeditions fueled solely by lust and carnality, risk lurks around every corner, danger and regret at every turn.
This movie raises the question: What would happen if nudie-cuties, low-budget SF and 1950's educationsafety films were dropped in a blender and someone pushed the Puree button? It is not a pretty sight and tastes even worse! If this is a promo film to push the idea of "green" than god help us we're going to have fossil fuel forever. The overdubbing is bland and lacks, well...a certain humor. That's it - it's not funny. Exposed tits alone do not a laugh make. As a how-to-edit training film it has some merits so it is not without at least some worth. Did Mike Davis really have nothing better to spend his time and money on? His calls his company Stag Films but to give credit, stag films were much better presented on their own in smoke filled rooms or during pool parties (at least in their time). This makes Ed Wood Jr. look like an avant-garde genius which evidently he may have been. Mike even has Extras with a Director interview which is even emptier than the movie. Did Mike achieve his goal? Yes, which suggests that some goals are best left unachieved. I recommend it only if you have never seen anything from the 1950's or 1960's. It might be good motivation to seek out the source material.
Review by pressboard from the Internet Movie Database.