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Commander and Chief

Commander and Chief (2012) Movie Poster
USA  •    •    •  Directed by: Ric Halpern, Gerson Sanginitto.  •  Starring: Lucy Angelo, Cameron Bender, Ronnie Gene Blevins, Skyler Brigmann, Heather Brooker, Steve Filice, Kelly Ann Ford, Evan Helmuth, Preston James Hillier, C. Thomas Howell, Marshall Manesh, Casey Margolis, Candice Patton.  •  Music by: Perry La Marca.
    The year is 2022, and the world is at peace. George W. Shrub, the infamous former leader of the free world, is struggling to release a new biography about his "fantastical adventures in office." At his biographer's recommendation, Shrub journeys to the U.N. American Presidential Museum in order to research his presidential career. Once there, Shrub crosses paths with Perry, the timid nighttime janitor at the museum. Soon, the two unlikely allies find themselves joining forces to defend the museum from a series of mysterious attacks. With the 5th Anniversary of World Peace being held at the museum in a few days, George and Perry must rely on their wits and guts instincts to stop the attackers and restore peace and justice throughout the galaxy...


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