Crusaders #357: Experiment in Evil!, The |
USA 2008 97m Directed by: Robb Wolford. Starring: Blake Arnold, Richard A. Becker, Ruth W. Block, John Butcovitch, Hal S. Cartrett, Scott Conner, Marty Davis, Fred Dekom, Roderick Emil, Ian Fagan, David Frank, Stephen G. Frye, Dorrie Grace. Music by: Kent Karlsson.
A battered wife leaves her husband to become a super hero in this comic book come to life complete with panels , page turns and old fashioned novelty ads. Taking the identity of Furie, Connie Ferrantti joins a team of working class masked avengers called The Crusaders. It isn't long before she finds herself in conflict with their mysterious leader, The Ace of Spades. A one time hero of the golden age, The Ace of Spades is now walking a tightrope between good and evil. Can Furie save him from falling over the edge?
Review by Diana Bartlett [IMDB 19 February 2011] from the Internet Movie Database.