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Mold! (2012) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  86m  •    •  Directed by: Neil Meschino.  •  Starring: Ardis Campbell, Robert Fattorini, Chris Gentile, Lawrence George, Rick Haymes, Mike Keller, Neil Meschino, James Murphy, Luke Pendley, Derrick Peterson, David Pringle, Nicholas Russo, Julia Salka..
     Set in 1984, when the war on drugs was at its height, the story concerns a strain of mold developed by the government to wipe out Colombian coca fields. Unfortunately, during a demonstration, the mold gets out of control and proves to be deadly to more than just vegetation.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Mold! (2012)
Image from: Mold! (2012)
Image from: Mold! (2012)
Image from: Mold! (2012)
Image from: Mold! (2012)
The actors were not completely bad and the premise, even with the low budget and cheesy special effects, could have gone towards a nice little horror movie. Instead, they decided to make it a horror parody, which pretty much spoiled everything as the result was neither horrific nor funny.

The film itself gives off a lot of mixed signals. A psychopath seems to have written the dialogues, the special effects and acting are like from a 70's movie, down to the gigantic security cameras, the black and white monitors, the time lapsed "mold" growth and giant moustaches, but it was made in 2012. There is no real comedy in the film, only inadvertently, from the really bad script and ridiculous green and red goo splattered all around.

Bottom line: I don't know what the makers were trying to achieve, but the movie sucked on several levels. What annoyed me more was that with the same resources and a decent script this could have easily become a cult movie.

Review by siderite from the Internet Movie Database.