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Astronaut: The Last Push

Astronaut: The Last Push (2012) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  85m  •    •  Directed by: Eric Hayden.  •  Starring: Khary Payton, Lance Henriksen, Brian Baumgartner, James Madio, Alec Gillis, Tom Woodruff Jr., Laurent Meurette, Pascal Lamontagne, Druid Altura, Irwin Altura, Mila Altura, Lira Angel, Avery Golden.  •  Music by: Kimberly Hayden.
        When a tragic accident cuts short the first manned mission to explore life on the moons of Jupiter, Michael Forrest must make the 3 year journey home to Earth in pure solitude.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Astronaut: The Last Push (2012)
Image from: Astronaut: The Last Push (2012)
Image from: Astronaut: The Last Push (2012)
Image from: Astronaut: The Last Push (2012)
Image from: Astronaut: The Last Push (2012)
Image from: Astronaut: The Last Push (2012)
Image from: Astronaut: The Last Push (2012)
Image from: Astronaut: The Last Push (2012)
Image from: Astronaut: The Last Push (2012)
Image from: Astronaut: The Last Push (2012)
Image from: Astronaut: The Last Push (2012)
Image from: Astronaut: The Last Push (2012)
The thing that I liked most about this movie is that it placed realism and storytelling above spectacle. So much of modern sci-fi is over reliant on bombast, that it was refreshing to see an approach that took a realistic approach to a futuristic scenario.

Anchored by a great performance from Khary Payton, lone astronaut Michael Forrest must make a long, lonely voyage back to Earth after a technical mishap changes the parameters of his mission. The painful isolation shows what the real cost will be for future space exploration. The process is not idealized, however the fortitude, and support that will make it possible is properly lauded. At the end Michael Forest makes choice, I will not say what it is, but it is thought provoking and realistic! All in all a great, surprising film.

Review by robopanch-557-647895 from the Internet Movie Database.