Australia / USA 2011 90m Directed by: James Howarth. Starring: James Howarth, Eva Swan, Jean Louise O'Sullivan, Brandon Fisher, Edward Lee Johnson, Ingrid Bloom, John Busse, Peter Howarth, Will Rian, Sharilyn Smoke-Mercer, Lana Troy, Mika Walter, Kelvin Xuna. Music by: Anthony Kozar, Paul O'Brien.
An Alien that only Mark can see, manipulates his will, forcing him to commit acts that he cannot recall. As his mind spirals out of control, his closest friends seek to have him committed. But Mark will do anything to stop them, and so will the Alien...
Drug reliance is one of the more mishandled points in movies. Yet, when its done in a different way, it could be a captivating methodology to relate a story and that is the thing that James Howarth has done with his film, Alien Inhabitant.
Mark is a veteran who's returned from the war with an issue, he experiences substance ill-use. He's endeavouring to beat it anyway he is constantly kept down by an Alien mental trip, that makes him do things that he wouldn't regularly do, and additionally he can't remember doing! Finally, we're left contemplating whether mark is crazy or if there's genuinely an Alien who's controlling him.
Alien Inhabitant is a fascinating story of handling pill reliance, the acting is extraordinary, the story is robust, and the point of convergence considered being subject to pills fundamentally makes you a pariah to whatever remaining parts of the world. I have not seen anything like this. Its not a flawless movie and slow to start, more the pace of a TV drama, yet its entrancing. I is more along the lines of a festival film or something for alien enthusiasts.
Review by tysando from the Internet Movie Database.