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Flashback (2011) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  100m  •    •  Directed by: Brendan Jackson Rogers.  •  Starring: Andrew Ramos, Will Phillips, Alexa Cappiello, Chris Heidt, John Mondelli, Brendan Jackson Rogers, Raymond Cardet, Nicole Smith, Nicky Urban, Ryan Rogers, Patrick Pieri, Josiah Armes, Bithja Aurelien.  •  Music by: George Shaw.
     In the distant future, Flashback Films has been taken over by a sinister soda company, and the state of the movie industry is wilder than ever! Robots are replacing the studio's workforce, and Time Travel is on the cutting edge of moviemaking technology. Jack Taylor, the back lot's last human janitor, plunges the studio into chaos in order to steal a date with starlet Tiffany Sloane. To fix his mistakes, Jack commandeers the studio's prop-collecting time machine and ends up at the center of an explosive corporate conspiracy.


Image from: Flashback (2011)
Image from: Flashback (2011)
Image from: Flashback (2011)
Image from: Flashback (2011)
Image from: Flashback (2011)
Image from: Flashback (2011)
Image from: Flashback (2011)
It is unfortunate that common courtesy at the theater is to turn off your phone. This movie demands a phone be in hand with fingers prompted on speed dial for emergency medical treatment. Flashback is DROP DEAD HILARIOUS. From dialog, to set, to actor's expressions, it is a non-stop chore to catch your breath from laughing so hard. The plot is brilliant.

I am looking forward to a DVD release. At that time, I will put the disk in and glue the drive door shut. I can watch this movie over and over and be a happy man. It is a toss up as to which was more cleverly created, the dialog or the setting. They work hand in hand along with a great soundtrack. It is certain that this will be a timeless classic.

Review by foster-am
from the Internet Movie Database.