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Atomic Zombie Space Creeps, The

Atomic Zombie Space Creeps, The (2017) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  54m  •    •  Directed by: Aaron James Martin.  •  Starring: John Jacobs, Blake Meadows, Chad Parsons, Jeremiah Morehouse, Nigel Daniel.  •  Music by: Aaron James Martin.
    A race of aliens decide to destroy the world to prevent mankind from spreading war and destruction across the stars. When one of them decides to take a stand and band together with a human ally a race is on to save the Earth from an invasion of atomic powered zombies and killer robots.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Atomic Zombie Space Creeps, The (2017)
Image from: Atomic Zombie Space Creeps, The (2017)
Image from: Atomic Zombie Space Creeps, The (2017)
Image from: Atomic Zombie Space Creeps, The (2017)
Image from: Atomic Zombie Space Creeps, The (2017)
Image from: Atomic Zombie Space Creeps, The (2017)
Image from: Atomic Zombie Space Creeps, The (2017)
Image from: Atomic Zombie Space Creeps, The (2017)
Image from: Atomic Zombie Space Creeps, The (2017)
In THE ATOMIC ZOMBIE SPACE CREEPS, mankind has once again drawn the attention of extraterrestrials for messing around with atomic energy. Now, arrogant alien meddlers have arrived on our dear planet to begin turning ordinary citizens into the shambling, shuffling horde of the title.

Can a man in a Hawaiian shirt stop the onslaught before we're exterminated?

Essentially, this is a black and white home movie that manages to hit and miss -almost- equally. While its stratospheric cheeeze-factor is indeed an asset, there are several, vast dull spots that tend to cause the viewer's brain to implode.

The CGI death ships, robots, etc., are tolerable, benefitting greatly from the lack of color. However, the dreadful dialogue between the characters is like listening to a washing machine with an uneven load!

At less than an hour in length, it feels eternal. Lovers of excruciating cinema will find more than enough pain here to extinguish their souls.

Review by azathothpwiggins from the Internet Movie Database.