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Empty (2011) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  82m  •    •  Directed by: C.S. Drury.  •  Starring: Ashley C. Williams, Jon Carlo, Barry McBrien, John Woodruff, Peter Alexandrou, Kent R. Williams, Ronald Thomas, Niecy Cerise, John Michael, Nicholas Neyeloff.  •  Music by: Patrick Mottaz, Dylan Randall.
       A suspenseful drama about a young couple on a road trip who get caught in the midst of a worldwide gas shortage.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Empty (2011)
Image from: Empty (2011)
Image from: Empty (2011)
Image from: Empty (2011)
Image from: Empty (2011)
Image from: Empty (2011)
Image from: Empty (2011)
Image from: Empty (2011)
Image from: Empty (2011)
Image from: Empty (2011)
Image from: Empty (2011)
OK, let's get right down to it. Was it a low budget film? Yes. Were there technical issues throughout the film? Yes. The audio at times was indistinguishable, the lighting was off and on, technically in many ways it was a disaster.

However, the script I felt was brilliant! It was so well written and acted, it compensated for the technical challenges. And there were a LOT of technical challenges. There was a few scenes where you could hear this low rumble. It had my wife extremely confused what those sounds were, until I told her it was the microphone. Either the wind, or someone bumping the camera or mic. Very "video 101" issues that anyone would realize taking on the challenge of filming.

But again, it was so well written and acted, I found that 5 mins into the movie I was hooked! I actually HAD to watch it to see what would happen. I see a lot of independent filmsvideos, and barely 20% are worth actually sitting through. This was in that 20%! The characters were so well defined and acted, I found myself hating and loving either characters. I was not thrilled at all with the ending, because I just felt it contradicted that characters actions and morals. So for me I would have ended the story much different. I won't comment here as I don't want to write any spoilers to the film. You really should see this film and make your own judgement. But when you do watch the film, understand that there are technical challenges and you just have to accept that.

If you can accept the technical challenges, you are definitely in for a great ride. I rarely, RARELY find a movie that has two lead characters that play off each other so well, that their relationship alone carries through the movie, very rare. Which is why I have to say, in many ways I absolutely LOVE this film! Specifically for the acting, writing, and direction I should say.

I especially felt that there was a fantastic build from the beginning of the story, to the end. Wonderful character development. If it wasn't for the ending, I honestly can say I feel this movie would be damn near perfect from a story standpoint. I can't imagine if the directorproducer had more funds to have a better camera, better audio option, better sound effects and supporting soundtrack, what this film would have been like.

With all due respect to the people that have reviewed this feature, I think you have to just accept the fact that there are technical challenges that are apparent in the film. As far as I'm concerned, I give this an 8 specifically because of the story, acting, and even the direction wasn't bad with the challenges at hand. I think the shot choice could have been better, but we don't know what challenges the director had with time, etc.

Personally for me and my wife, we think this story was very well done. I have watched it twice now, and will see it again definitely! I am an actor, writer, and director, and will be filming my first short next year. I understand the challenges with the filming process and can say this. For this director, producer, and actors, to dedicate themselves to a project with a shoe string budget and still come out making a movie that grabs your attention, gets you talking, and communicates like it does with so many variety of topics, I say "BRAVO!" to the cast and crew! Well done!

Review by RLuciano-OneClickFilms from the Internet Movie Database.