USA / Canada 2003 84m      Directed by: Nelson McCormick. Starring: Adam Baldwin, Elizabeth Berkley, Tony Todd, Conrad Dunn, John Neville, Ann Marin, Peter Spence, Susan Potvin, David Ferry, Mif, Raoul Bhaneja, Lisa Messinger, Joel Rinzler. Music by: Pete Kneser.
Lance Bishop is a common thirty-three years old American citizen, married with his beloved wife Karen and working in an insurance company. When a deranged shooter invades the building where Lance works, and shoots killing and hurting some colleagues of Lance, the guy tries to kill him and tells that he is saving Lance from a horrible destiny. Soon Bishop has nightmares and his life changes when he discovers what is the cause of his bad dreams.
This movie required some background that has to be understood to grasp the full implication that this can be done in the United States. The actual Mind Control Experiments began with the using microwave radiation is actually being used under the United States project called "Operation Crimson Mist", which killed over a million people directed against a sovereign nation of Africa, Rwanda. The method of mind control was done by the United States hidden in an unmarked C-130 Hercules Airplane under the guise of "atmospheric researchers" of what was to be become one of the most deadly mind control experiments in history. Following the assassination of the then President of Rwanda, under the guise of a simple assassination, the Hercules plane began on 6th of April 1994. This information is verifiable. The method of transmitting synthetic telepathy is done two ways, one by electrical stimulation, using patented Dr. Patrick Flanagan's neurophone technology, the second newer more sinister, microwave signals, where the information to send data to communicate to the brain occurs between 0.1 Hz to 8 Hz, a carrier signals of microwave radiation between 1-3.0 Gigahertz, when this signal combines you get a "voices" that speak in your mind. For those unbelievers, the technology of using electrical signals is now declassified and deaf people can now "hear sounds" or hear voices using neurophone technology, but these very same signals maybe projected using microwave signals as part of mind control experiments, basically as part of the overall goals by New World Order of population control. It's no coincidence that even U.N. has ultimate goal of population control too. The experiments in Rwanda lead to a death of at least 500,000 deaths at the beginning, where later deaths mounted into a million. Hence with this background in mind, I hope you will enjoy the movie when this experiments is furthered into a domestic home of Mr. Lance Bishop, an insurance manager, being a victim of mind control, where their objectives were to control population behavior, but more precisely, a hidden control to control "votes", which if those in power can get this kind of guarantee, who wouldn't in for those in power NOT be interested in mass mind control? Enjoy the movie - its one of the very few that knew the background, but this information was just missing from such an enjoyable movie, at least for conspiracy buffs such as myself. You may further research this on Rwanda "Operation Crimson Mist" or take a more look on the deaths, in the movie, "Hotel Rwanda". In case you are wondering who were the powers that be on Rwanda, it's usually the CIA, and they have done that in Project Tuskagee, against its own population too. For a conspiracy theory buffs, I am sure you will enjoy it!
Review by parhat from the Internet Movie Database.