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Go Mad and Mark

Go Mad and Mark (2017) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  75m  •    •  Directed by: Michael Gorgoglione.  •  Starring: Faith Renee Kennedy, Glenn Allen, Courtney Arlett, Adam Klein, Tom Rhoads, Minnie Tee, Justin Gibby, Martha Fritz, Linda Latona, Mary Claire Klooster, Renee Skibinski, Gina Mae York, Claire Bartling..
    A southern blue collar construction worker has an encounter with a mysterious "being" that he and his family will never forget.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Go Mad and Mark (2017)
Image from: Go Mad and Mark (2017)
Image from: Go Mad and Mark (2017)
Image from: Go Mad and Mark (2017)
Image from: Go Mad and Mark (2017)
Image from: Go Mad and Mark (2017)
Image from: Go Mad and Mark (2017)
Image from: Go Mad and Mark (2017)
Image from: Go Mad and Mark (2017)
Image from: Go Mad and Mark (2017)
Image from: Go Mad and Mark (2017)
Image from: Go Mad and Mark (2017)
Image from: Go Mad and Mark (2017)
Unlike much science fiction, this movie focuses less on effects and action than on the psychology of the main character. It can be seen as slow, but the director wants to make the point that the main character's life is boring and meaningless. It's not the alien vibrations that matter--it's that this experience makes him feel special. The aliens chose HIM--and now his horrible life has meaning. Our search for alien life is a search for meaning. This is more like a low-budget Arrival than Star Wars.

Review by skjpm-34509 from the Internet Movie Database.