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Goliad Uprising

Goliad Uprising (2012) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  98m  •    •  Directed by: Paul Bright.  •  Starring: Shannon Lark, Aaron Weisinger, Paul Bright, Cynthia Schiebel, Jacquelyn Lies, Joann Fields, Beky Hayes, Tony Bottorff, Mike Justice, Matthew Burnett, Diane Bernard, Zach Hennig, Laura Heuston..
    As the mysterious Ariel Loner leads the resistance movement in fighting back against their tyrannical corporate overlords, she finds herself on the run with David, a man who doesn't realize she's got him exactly where she wants him.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Goliad Uprising (2012)
Image from: Goliad Uprising (2012)
Image from: Goliad Uprising (2012)
Image from: Goliad Uprising (2012)
Image from: Goliad Uprising (2012)
Image from: Goliad Uprising (2012)
Image from: Goliad Uprising (2012)
Image from: Goliad Uprising (2012)
Image from: Goliad Uprising (2012)
Image from: Goliad Uprising (2012)
Image from: Goliad Uprising (2012)
In a world where corporate greed and lies are at an all-time high, can a small group of freedom fighters join together to restore truth and justice to the American way of life? And can they use the very technology that has led the people astray to put the country back on the right path? Corporate espionage merges with personal history to make the waters just a tad murkier. Can the government control the flow of information to the point of completely rewriting current events? Should the protesters be trusted to be fighting for freedom of all, not out of revenge? Follow the young man at the center of the tornado as he dodges the debris flying through the air, as he tries to blaze the trail to restore freedom as he tries to determine the good from the bad. Shannon Lark, Aaron Weisinger, and Cynthia Schiebel bring their characters to life under the strong direction of writerproducer Paul Bright. Lark and Weisinger fill their scenes together with an electric charge that radiates off the screen. I had a great time watching this film, and look forward to seeing it again and again.

Review by hrstump from the Internet Movie Database.