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Encarta IV: Dark Hope

Encarta IV: Dark Hope (2008) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  100m  •    •  Directed by: Ryan Webber.  •  Starring: Ryan Webber, Robert William Ford, Derrick Anderson, Tyler Bedgood, Nate Bisel, Patrick Dines, Christopher Elliott, Ryan Mey, Jeremy Wolgemuth, Sara Zimmerman..
    With their existence doomed in an endless anomaly in space (the rift from 'Condemned'); the crew of the starship Encarta must stop a creature from tearing apart the space time continuum. With countless civilizations in peril the crew of Encarta is the last chance of survival for the final frontier...


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Encarta IV: Dark Hope (2008)
Image from: Encarta IV: Dark Hope (2008)
Image from: Encarta IV: Dark Hope (2008)
Image from: Encarta IV: Dark Hope (2008)
Image from: Encarta IV: Dark Hope (2008)
Image from: Encarta IV: Dark Hope (2008)
I really wanted to like this, I watched almost all Star Trek movies and series I could find and, after noticing the high quality of the backgrounds in Encarta IV, I hoped I had found another great fan-made Star Trek movie. Alas, the script was bad, the direction wasn't there, the acting was so awful I couldn't continue watching beyond the first 30 minutes (of which about 10 is just the credits rolling over some random images - what's up with that?). I skimmed the rest of the film, looking for something worthwhile, but 90% of the time it was just some people saying stuff.

I am always sorry to not finish a film or to rate one so low, but this really really sucked.

Review by siderite from the Internet Movie Database.