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Evolution Creek

Evolution Creek (2012) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  102m  •    •  Directed by: Lee Bivens.  •  Starring: Joshua Adrian, Christina Ashleigh, Tim Batten, Jason Bell, Arnold Bivens, Oakley Boddie, David Calhoun, Kenneth Camp II, Chrissy Chambers, Philip Church, Shana Clark, Jason Feeman, Tyler Gilliam.  •  Music by: Greg Bivens, Lee Bivens.
    A group of friends rent a houseboat and go as far as the houseboat will travel. They end up on a vastly unexplored, mountainous region where a predator creature with human characteristics begins to prey on them.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Evolution Creek (2012)
Image from: Evolution Creek (2012)
Image from: Evolution Creek (2012)
Image from: Evolution Creek (2012)
Image from: Evolution Creek (2012)
Image from: Evolution Creek (2012)
Image from: Evolution Creek (2012)
Image from: Evolution Creek (2012)
Image from: Evolution Creek (2012)
Image from: Evolution Creek (2012)
Image from: Evolution Creek (2012)
Image from: Evolution Creek (2012)
Image from: Evolution Creek (2012)
Image from: Evolution Creek (2012)
Image from: Evolution Creek (2012)
A week ago, a good friend of mine showed a review given about this movie that was filled with lies. After a while, I could not let it sit anymore. Here is the truth:

There were less than 530 people at the premier of this movie, and there were plenty of seats open. Everything in this movie had amateur all over it. It makes Tommy Wiseau's "The Room" (ranked one of the worst movies ever made) look Oscar worthy. The only credit I will give is the VFX shots were good. I wish the VFX scenery shots lasted a little longer because I did not have time to observe where the story is being taken place -' plus, they were impressive shots for a low budget movie. With that said, to let you know I was only able to watch about 20 minutes of the movie at the premier before I walked out. The acting was poor -' did not connect with any of them because they were saying the dialogue instead of meaning it with emotion. The writing was very poor because there was not a protagonist(s) established within the first 10 minutes to let us know who it is we are going on a journey with. It was filled with cliché moments. For example, when a girl said she was going for a swim or to wash herself in a nearby lagoon and leaves... a random guy came up with an excuse (we knew he was lying) to leave too once the girl was gone. Do not do that. Also, I could not buy the "intelligence" behind the dialogue in a scene where scientists were analyzing some bones. They used simple scientific words that an elementary school kid would use once they learned the names of the main bones in the human body. To sound more intelligent in the science aspect, get more specific in the terminology. If the time was spent to do the research during writing process of the film, it would have came off better.

After those moments and a few more, I could not take it anymore and left, but I did not leave alone. A fellow viewer left with me as we went to a bar down the street from the premier for the rest of the viewing. We had a very good conversation about what I stated earlier. Plus, for $15 a ticket, that was extortion. I remember paying $18 to see the third Batman movie in IMAX and got my money's worth then. I did not get that satisfaction with "Evolution Creek".

The other thing that bothers me is there's a creature in the movie that LOOKS VERY SIMILAR TO THE PREDATOR -' MOVEMENTS, SOUND, AND LOOK. This creature jumps from tree-to- tree... Predator. If you have not seen the movie, watch its trailer and you will see what I am talking about. I will not be surprised if someone from Stan Winston's Studio has filed a copyright infringement against these filmmakers.

I am well aware that this review is harsh, but it is the ugly truth. I give my utmost respect to Mr. Bivens for going outside his norm to do this film. He is a phenomenal artist who has painted many amazing portraits, but filmmaking is not the desired niche. In the end, please do not say anymore lies about the premier.

Review by themaingremlin from the Internet Movie Database.