It claims 88 minutes, but the version I watched was closer to 68 minutes. Wayne (Holt Boggs) and Jesse (Natalie Wilemon) are newlyweds who like to hike and camp, although she has a fear of snakes and things that go bump in the night. The character build up was decent. They go camping in an area where we see another person (Bryan Chatlien) get sucked in underground in the opening scene, hence we pretty much know what to expect.
Jesse wants to do a video journal, an effective way to give us her thoughts, even if it is annoying. The creatures were scary and ugly enough, although we know nothing about them. Legend in area? Former nuclear test site? Unfortunately this is just a me-too horror film that has been done better with kids no less. On the plus side, Wayne gets injured and requires the use of Jesse's tank top.
Makes for a low end rental. Most likely will be out shortly on an 8, 10, or 12 film pack.
Review by nogodnomasters from the Internet Movie Database.