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Love (2011) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  84m  •    •  Directed by: William Eubank.  •  Starring: Gunner Wright, Corey Richardson, Bradley Horne, Nancy Stelle, Roger E. Fanter, Jesse Hotchkiss, Troy Mittleider, Brid Caveney, Ambyr Childers, B. Anthony Cohen, James C. Burns, Lee Bettencourt, Mark Eaton.  •  Music by: Angels & Airwaves.
      After losing contact with Earth, Astronaut Lee Miller becomes stranded in orbit alone aboard the International Space Station. As time passes and life support systems dwindle, Lee battles to maintain his sanity - and simply stay alive. His world is a claustrophobic and lonely existence, until he makes a strange discovery aboard the ship.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Love (2011)
Image from: Love (2011)
Image from: Love (2011)
Image from: Love (2011)
Image from: Love (2011)
Image from: Love (2011)
Image from: Love (2011)
(REVIEW) Love is a documentary type film by the band Angels & Airwaves. The story takes place in the stratosphere of earth in ISS with a lone astronaut, Lee. Lee is the first man to enter space in a good decade + since our modern time. While in his 6 year rotation around our planet all communication is lots between the ISS and earth and as this happens, Lee loses complete sanity into schizophrenia. But before this he ascertained a journal... a very special and not "magical" journal. This movie has some truly beautiful cinematography with clean, and picturesque frames. The only gripe i have with the film on the visual side is the slightly dated CG, but honestly... thats just me being a perfectionist, the ISS is!#$#^^^%$#%@ing awesome, as well as the opening scene... amazing. Story development really does enter you into the realm of isolation and gives you the feeling of complete emotional immersion. Which on first viewing i felt... but did not quite understand. On second view, I cried, it is the only movie that has done this to me.

(EXPLANATION) For the sake of giving you the up most respect and letting you feel smart I will be vaguely vague with the explanation, so think a little bit with the story. First off the journal? What was it? It was planted on earth by NASA for Lee to uncover, as they knew the forth coming events of earths and humanities destruction.

The giant space, colossal, black brick of black found by the Soul Survivor and Lee in the end of Love. That was an alien harbinger for humanities continuation, a database of life, everything ever human on this planet was recorded for the purpose of building new life out of scratch. The gods that looked after the earth cared and knew demise was inevitable or predisposed.

WHY WAS LEE IN THE UNIVERSE AT THE END? WHAT WAS WITH THETHETHE??? When Lee, at the end was standing in obscurity, when he touched the black ground and saw it ripple out, he saw our universe, as a God. When you see Lee move his hand though a cosmic cloud, that is because he is a God and can do what ever he desires, he controls the universe. When that giant phoenix photon of light blasted Lee? That was the Big Bang we all know. The old universe was dead, obsolete, and now new life was given through that Bang. Lee created a new race of beings out of his Love for humanity.

Review by Mike Chen from the Internet Movie Database.

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